Striving for perfection

April 1, 2021

Each day we are given opportunities to improve. It may be through honing our skills, changing our attitudes about life, or refining a personal quality. For this to occur there must a standard that we have established that defines what perfection looks like for each of us. Then we must take some conscious action to move in its direction. For instance, when honing a skill such as playing the piano, it would require you committing several hours a day to practice. In changing your attitudes, you might decide to look at a specific situation in your life and determine how you could see it from a positive perspective. In refining a personal quality, identify a characteristic that you see as having a less than positive effect on others like lack of patience and think of ways of demonstrating it differently. These are all ways that we can show up in the world offering our best for this day. The important part of this is to do what we can without judging ourselves for not quite achieving the standard we have set. There is always tomorrow. What are you doing to strive for perfection today?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.