Supporting your dreams and desires

June 22, 2023

As you identify your dreams and desires and generate a vibrational level that attracts them to you, think about who you share this with in your life. I have learned to be selective in choosing who falls into the group I believe will support what I am looking for. I have heard people disclose that they have shared their thoughts with those close to them only to hear a litany of discouraging statements. "You are too old to do that," "Be realistic," or "That could never happen in a million years." When I have heard people say those things to be I felt totally deflated and discouraged. I have since learned to share with people who say, "What a great idea!," "Is there any way I can you to achieve this?, or "Let me know how things are going for you." These are the people who help us to increase and sustain our vibrational level leading to the manifestation of our thoughts. How do the people in your life support you in achieving your dreams and desires?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.