Taking yes for an answer
When seeking answers to the situations in front of you, it is important to ask for clarity. This is done by constructing the question to avoid ambiguity. "Is my current relationship healthy for me in meeting my needs?" "Do I feel satisfied in my current job?" "Is this the most prudent way for me to be spending my money right now?" Once you pose the question, be open to answers. You will begin to acquire information that helps with your decision. It may be through direct experience or indirect messages that the Universe sends through bumper stickers, billboards, or television ads. Keep a journal of the answers you receive to your question. Hopefully the answer will be "Yes." If not, you will be directed with clarity as to which course to take. I always remind myself that the response that comes "will be this or something better." I recall doing this with a position I had applied for where I worked. I asked, "Is this the right job move to make at this time?" I applied for the position and was interviewed. Before being offered the position, I overheard individuals who worked in the department sharing what it was like for them. None of it was positive. When I was offered the job, I was clear that my answer was "No." Was I making the right decision? The answer was a resounding "Yes." It turned out that the department was eventually disbanded and I would have been ineligible to return to my current position. What are you facing today that requires clarity in knowing what to do?
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