Thanks, but no thanks

August 30, 2021

Have you ever been told that, if you pass up an offer, you would never have this chance again? I can think of a number of times that I have been told this and decided to pass on the offer anyway. Usually they were offers that sounded too good to be true and they often were. Any time that I am asked to make a snap decision without the required time to think it through, I know that it is not likely to have a good ending. If I believe that, if something is meant to be, it will still be there at a later time. I recall being offered a position at work that I passed on and was told that it would never come my way again. It just didn't feel right and sure enough circumstances presented themselves where the offer was made a second time. I still didn't take it which turned out to be the right choice. Second (and even third and fourth) chances present themselves all the time. Ask yourself if the offer is within your best interest at the moment. If the answer is "no," then consider responding as such and let it go. Go about your business and focus on what is before you. Should the opportunity present itself again, take time to look at it and what it is telling you. What are you considering today that is causing you to question its purpose in your life and how will it best serve you today?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.