The anniversary of your birth
There is only one day that qualifies as your birthday. It is the actual day that you were born. All the rest are really anniversaries of that event. Today is one of those anniversaries for me. It is an opportunity to take time for retrospection. What has my life been like up to this point? What were my dreams as a child and did they come true? I realize that they were limited by what I knew of the world around me. As I learned more about that world, my dreams expanded accordingly to become the life I have today. This serves as motivation to do all I can to further experience the world knowing that this will result in even greater dreams and aspirations. Would I have thought that I would be living on the other side of the country from where I was born writing a blog about the wonderful life I have had and plan to continue to have? Back then the computer and a blog were unknowns. I look forward to the upcoming years and the wonders they will bring. As you reach an anniversary of your birth, what will you recall as your dreams and how are they manifesting for you?
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