The good news is...
I recall a sage piece of advice that reminded me that, when things weren't going well, I could restart my day any time I wanted. This is another way of saying that we create our own reality. Whatever occurred in the past only possessed the power that I gave it. This is what we refer to as our "story." We take it into the world as if every piece of it was absolute fact. We create our story based on how we interpret our life experience at that moment. If we are in a positive place in our lives, our story will reflect that position. If we are in a negative place in our lives, the same will hold true. I have carried certain "stories" around in my head for years, only to find out later that they were erroneous when others involved shared their version of what happened. Of course that all is predicated on how accurate their "story" is. If you have the ability to create your own story, why not choose one that takes you to a place where you feel good about yourself? If you are concerned that others will contest what you have to say, consciously decide not to share it. For example, if your story consists of growing up in a home which lacked the attention you desire, instead of constantly seeking attention from others to fulfill you, focus on some aspect of growing up where that did happen. It will become the foreground instead of the background and make for a happier you today. What can you do to create your own positive reality today?
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