The mosaic of life
Each of the billions of humans who have ever inhabited this planet acts as a single tile in the mosaic of life. Without the tile the picture would be incomplete. Therefore the mosaic is additive with new tiles contributing to the world as we know it. Like the tiles, each person is interconnected with all of those around it. Even with the vastness of the mosaic, two tiles which appear to be furthest apart from one another are as connected as the ones adjacent to each other. If you have ever observed a mosaic, you will see how your eye integrates each tile into a meaningful portrait or scene. What this means is that each of us share our life energy with everyone else who has ever lived on Earth. What is the source of such a great volume of energy? Whatever you choose to call it, it must be greater than any one human to have continuously generated such life energy over thousands of years of our existence. What a gift it is to be that tile in the mosaic of life. How do you wish for your tile to shine in that mosaic? What that looks like depends on the way you interact with others. You can choose to have it shine with brilliance by practicing kindness, compassion, and appreciation. What can dull your tile are criticism, greed, and pessimism. No matter how you choose to live your life, your tile will always have its place. How does your tile shine today in the mosaic of life and are you content with its current state?
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