The source
For the Law of Attraction to work, it is necessary to believe that there is a source for your manifestation. There are many names that people have for this source. Some call it the Universe, God, Creator, Cause, Higher Power, Eternal Love. These are only a few of the names we have for the source of what we desire. Our free choice allows us to identify the one that fits our belief system and know that this source will co-create our heart's desires. I interchangeably refer to my source as the Universe or God. These are the two terms I use in writing my daily blogs. You are free to substitute any word or phrase that works for you. When all the elements for manifestation are present, your source will take the energy of your thoughts and transform it into the object of your desire. Not surprising that we have the phrase in the Bible, "In the beginning was the Word." The Word is the Thought that begins the process of manifestation. Our thoughts should always be directed at attracting the highest good for all involved. What do you choose to call your source and how is it helping to co-create the life you desire?
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