The tortoise and the hare

July 6, 2020

Our intentions don't always come with a due date. Two of the major accomplishments in my life are evidence of that. I began my doctoral program in the Fall of 1992. Eight years later I completed the required coursework. I might have completed this sooner, but I was working full time and taking classes in the evening and during my summer breaks. Then it took another eight years to write my dissertation. The university told me that I should have received an award for the longest time to complete their program. Every time I hit a milestone, it reset the clock allowing me the time to finish my degree according to my needs. By waiting as long as I did, all the resources to complete it appeared effortlessly. My next major project was writing my book on transition. I began that project in 2013 and published in 2020. Again, the resources needed to complete the book appeared from all directions. Many people complete such projects in a short time. Doctorates are completed in three years and books are written in a matter of months. That is their timeline. Just like the tortoise and the hare, it is more important to focus on slow and steady to win the race. I am the one who determines what the finish line looks like. What are you working on in your life that looks more like the tortoise than the hare and what are the results of taking that approach?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.