Time to say goodbye

April 29, 2024

Think of the times when you realized that the situation you were in was no longer of benefit to you or others. Perhaps it was a relationship that had become abusive or a job that stifled your professional growth. You said to yourself, “Maybe if I give it more time, things will change for the better.” But it doesn’t change for the better. In fact it continues to disintegrate. Making a change for the better isn’t always easy, but sometimes it is necessary. A resistance to change may stem from the fear of what the future would bring or holding onto the familiar because it carries with it a sense of stability. You are not only saying goodbye to the situation, but also to your ability to control it. This is the time to remind yourself that, in accepting an ending, you are opening yourself to a new beginning. It is time to remind yourself that you deserve all that is good in life including a healthy relationship and a fulfilling job. This can also apply to any other circumstances in your life that are no longer serving you. Focus on what your life would look like if you were happy, joyous, and free. What situation are you prepared to say goodbye to today and how would you go about doing that?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.