Too kind for words
Begin the practice of expressing kindness to others whenever possible. There are multiple opportunities made available to do this throughout the day. These may be simple acts of courtesy such as saying "please" and "thank you." I was at a grocery store recently and offered my place in line to the person behind me with fewer items. She graciously thanked me, and I felt a sense of warmth in our interaction. We live in a society that has become based on a "What's in it for me?" approach to life. We forget that we share our presence here with billions of others. Not only does that include human beings, but other forms of life as well. When I attend to a stray animal in need of assistance I am practicing kindness. Imagine what life would be like if this was our focus. All it takes is one act per day and the transformation would begin. Make it a conscious act and make time to take in the feelings associated with it. Ask yourself if you feel better as a result of this and then commit to adding to the number of acts of kindness on a daily basis. Remember that, at the same time you are doing this for others, others are doing this for you. Pay attention and offer appreciation when that occurs. What act of kindness will you perform today without expecting anything in return?
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