When I was little I recall my mother admonishing me to tell the truth after doing something wrong. It became my job to supply the "facts" that supported my guilt. Since that time I have contemplated what is meant by the truth. For something to be true it would have to be held as a common belief by everyone on this planet, a statement that is indisputable. We could say that gravity represents a truth. We believe that, when an object is dropped, it falls to the ground. But what happens when we blow bubbles that float off into the air? Would that mean that there were exceptions to gravity as a fact? Of course we must apply the laws of physics to explain this phenomenon, but it can cause us to question the facts. Beliefs are subject to change such as the belief in the earth being flat. We now state that it is true that the planet is orb-shaped. Perhaps that truth will change at some time in the future. Today when I seek the truth, I am looking for an explanation that I can hold to. I see the truth in the Law of Attraction based upon its results in my life. As I evolve there may be new truths that become known to me. It may support the saying that the truth will set me free even if it is in the freedom to change my beliefs. What is the truth for you?
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