What does it take?
When we think of luck, we often conjure up thoughts of unexpected events that appear to come out of nowhere. Someone wins $300 million dollars in a lottery. A wrong turn results in avoiding a serious auto accident. A chance meeting in a coffee shop leads to marriage. Was it all about luck? Or was it really about an action the person had taken whether conscious or unconscious? Would you win the lottery without a ticket? Did going to the same coffee shop each morning increase your chances of meeting a potential partner? Perhaps it was more about individuals putting themselves into a situation that opened them up to such an outcome. Remaining open to possibilities can be the key to their becoming a reality in your life. Be willing to put yourself out there and be receptive to what comes your way. It may surprise you and it is less likely to occur if you sit passively and wait for life to happen to you. When was the last time you viewed an occurrence as luck when it was actually the result of an action you had taken?
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