Who has the road map?
I often hear people comment that they wished that they had a road map or an instruction manual to guide them through life. This is usually in reference to feeling lost or clueless as to how to navigate life's circumstances. It may also be related to the desire to go through life without the pain attached to the mistakes we make. Yet those pains can be our best teachers. We can certainly seek guidance and direction from many sources as we travel through life. No matter how carefully we think we have everything mapped out there will still be times when we run out of gas, have a flat tire, or have to make a detour. These are only temporary inconveniences and, before we know it, we are on our way again. If we had a road map from which we never deterred, we might miss the unexpected events in our lives that add color and excitement to it. And destinations change as we grow. It doesn't mean we don't make plans. It means that we remain open to the sign posts that can take us off to new adventures. Where is your road map taking you today?
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