Why didn't you ask?
We tend to make life harder than it needs to be. We struggle to make ends meet by trying to do it all on our own. We forget that all we need to do is ask for help. That doesn't mean that we relinquish responsibility for the actions we need to take. It means that we can reach out to others for support and assistance to move through our challenges. Often it is our egos that prevent us from asking. This may be based on our false sense of pride, our stubbornness, or our fear of rejection. These are all of our own making. We are here for one another. In addition to human help, we have 24/7 access to an even greater source of help. I recently was facing several situations that seemed to be beyond what other humans could do to help. I asked the Universe for assistance without telling it what it needed specifically to do to help. Within 24 hours the answers came for each of the situations I was facing and turned out better than I could have planned. All I needed to do was ask. What is it that is going on in your life today that could benefit from doing some asking?
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