You are not your job

July 5, 2021

Who you are and what you do are separate from one another. The work that you do flows from who you are. Who you are is not defined by what you do. In this country when you meet someone new, you are typically asked, "What do you do for a living?" Imagine what the reaction is when you tell the person that you are currently unemployed. Most often you will hear, "Sorry to hear that" or "That's too bad." End of conversation. It is as if you have just disclosed a major flaw in your life. It might be more beneficial to hear, "What are you doing with this time?" That is when you can truly connect with another person. If you are the person who is unemployed, it may be due to the need to care for an ailing parent or a business closing. Your reason for not working does not need to become the focus of your conversation. Instead, look for what you may have in common with the other person. It helps to inject a bit of humor into your interaction. Ask yourself, "What would I like the person I just met to remember most about me?" Would it be my job title or how I am enjoying life today? What does your answer say about you?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.