A day of thanks

November 28, 2024

Whether or not you celebrate today as an official day to give thanks, you don’t need it to be an official holiday to do so .Consciously expressing gratitude for what you have raises your vibrational level creating a sense of joy and inner peace. As you acknowledge gratitude in your life, focus on how you feel as you do so. Giving lip service to those aspects of your life for which you are grateful is only the first step. They are so much more powerful when you imbue them with emotion. That intensifies the energy of your statement of gratitude. We know that like attracts like as a principle of The Law of Attraction. Be mindful of how this is working in your life. The effects may be small or large. What matters is that they will make a positive difference for you. Make this a 365 day a year habit. It only takes a few minutes each day and the time you take is well worth it. What are you thankful for today?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.