A glad heart
How you approach your day can make all the difference in the world when it comes to how it unfolds. When you begin your day by expressing gratitude and joy for the simple act of waking up. good follows. Your world feels more alive and in focus. Your interactions with others are more positive, Problems are seen as opportunities. You find unexpected expressions of the Universe's love for you. When you awaken on the proverbial "wrong side of the bed," nothing seems to go right, You find yourself running late, appointments cancel, and there are no parking spaces to be found. You can't wait for the day to end. The common denominator in both scenarios is you. The initial thoughts you project when you awaken create the day ahead of you, Create a habit of greeting your day in a positive manner. Make statements such as "Good morning, World. How may I be of service to you today?" or "Today I choose to fill the next 24 hours with love." You will know what words to use that best fit your personality. Now release the day and watch what you attract. What were your first thoughts as you began your day today?
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