A leap of faith
It seems easy enough to take action on a goal that is readily accessible to you. Perhaps you decide to enroll in a class that is related to the work you do or you plan a trip to a familiar destination. It doesn't require much of a stretch beyond your comfort zone. But what if you decided to sell your home and relocate to another part of the country where you knew no one? Or if you decided to change your career path to a different field of work? Or if you decided to invest in a company that was just launching? These would all require a leap of faith because you might not feel as secure in the outcome. Your safety net would appear much smaller in your eyes. I recall when I left the occupation I had held for over 30 years to begin the work I do today. I had no idea that I would be meeting the people and creating the projects that bring me such joy and satisfaction. It hasn't always been easy, but it has been worth every moment. Had I not taken this leap of faith I would still be doing the same work and feeling unfulfilled by it. I knew it was time to move on and I had to trust that I would be guided in my decision. Deciding to write this blog was a leap of faith because I could not fathom having a topic to share each day. That was over 1300 blog entries ago. Anything is possible if you are willing to take that leap of faith for it to happen. What would your leap of faith look like if you were to take it today?
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