All the time in the world
When I was in elementary school I was taught that God always was and forever will be. If that is the case my presence here in this form is but a blink of the eye relative to the sum of all creation. I question where I was prior to this form and where I will go after I leave this earthly plane. We are learning that we are largely composed of energy. The Law of Conservation of Energy states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed: it can only be transformed from one state to another. It is amazing to think that I could have existed as a form of energy that manifested in my physical form and will transform after my physical death. That would mean that the energy that drives my existence is as eternal as the Universe/God. As time passes I am sure we will learn more about how the Law of Conservation of Energy applies to our physical presence. In the meantime what matters is how we spend our lives within this time frame. In the Hindu belief system this is referred to as dharma which affects the future according to the karma accumulated. Many belief systems share similar thinking demonstrating the importance of being the best we can be in this lifetime. How are you using your presence to leave a positive lasting impression on the world?
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