Are you listening?
When we seek guidance from the Universe, it is important that we listen to its responses. These responses may come in the form of signs, a conversation with a friend, or an intuitive sense of knowing what to do next. After surrendering a recent problem to the Universe, I had spontaneously invited friends for dinner. During the course of our conversation one of my friends stated that a person would soon enter my life with an opportunity that could change my situation dramatically. She had no idea of what the particulars of that meeting would be. Two days later I received a call from someone I had never met inviting me to a seminar on the very situation I was dealing with. I said that I would attend with an open mind. My skepticism as the seminar began quickly melted away when the presenters began to share the principles of the Law of Attraction and how it can be applied to my situation. One opportunity after another presented itself and I was clear that I was on the path to resolving what I had surrendered. I used to think these were coincidences and now I know they are the Universe's way of letting me know that I am being taken care of. What is happening in your life today and how can listening help you move forward?
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