Be the change

December 21, 2021

How do you wish the world to be? Would you like the world to be filled with love, caring, compassion? Whatever you choose, let your life reflect your desires. For example, if you wish for more compassion, begin to act in a compassionate way. You may say to yourself that you already are compassionate. If so, then increase your practice of this quality. Then imagine those around you paying it forward touching the lives of millions of others. If you see the world as a place for cooperation, then seek ways to cooperate with others for a common good. At some point you may want to choose a quality that has been a challenge for you. Perhaps it has been a willingness to accept others and you see how this would be beneficial in the world. Begin to take small steps in growing this quality in yourself. This will become the new filter through which you see the world. Walk your talk and your thoughts. What is the change you wish to see today and what are you willing to do to make that happen?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.