Celebrating your freedom

July 4, 2022

If you reside in the United States, you are most likely celebrating Independence Day. We typically associate it with parades, backyard barbecues, and fireworks. But what about today evokes a sense of your own independence and freedom? In a world filled with rules, regulations, and laws, what do you do to express your freedom? Begin by identifying the parts of your life over which you exercise control. You can control your beliefs, your opinions, and your attitude. No one can take those from you. You can also control your behavior. This is done through freedom of choice. You can choose to go along with the crowd or walk you own path. It isn’t always easy to make that choice, but it comes down to leading a life of integrity. Being true to what you believe. The forefathers of this country chose to defy their current situation and seek out life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Those three goals are still worthy of pursuit almost 250 years later. What matters to you today as you celebrate your freedom and independence?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.