Filling the void

January 19, 2023

What we know is that the Universe responds to filling a void. There are a number of ways in which we can act to create that void. One way is to clear out a space that you would like to see filled. This space may be a closet, a room, or a garage. You will undoubtedly identify a number of items present in one of these areas that you have not used or worn, nor do you plan to do so, in the last year. Let's say you want to manifest a new wardrobe. Cleaning out a closet and either holding a garage sale or making a donation to a used clothing store will result in a void that the Universe will fill with the objects of your desire. When plans change, use this as an opportunity to fill that time (another void) by stating that you now have time to meet with a new client or create a new business opportunity. Then watch what happens. Be sure to state your intention in the positive. It doesn't work to say to myself, "I only have two clients today." That statement focuses on lack. I use the affirmation: "I have time in my day to meet with as many as eight clients who are excited to use my services." The Universe will direct me as to what I need to do to have that happen. The same is true of any area of your life. What is happening in your life today that would benefit from having the Universe fill that void?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.