Going against the grain
Think of a behavior or habit that you have practiced for years. It has become second nature to you. Perhaps you share your intention to follow through on a commitment and you don't. Or you plan to donate to a worthy cause, but somehow never get around to writing the check. Or you notice that your conversations are peppered with gossip about others. Ask yourself if this is the way you see your best and highest self. How do your current practices serve to benefit you or others? What is your agenda for your current behavior? Perhaps it is to falsely boost your self esteem or a fear of economic scarcity. If you choose to begin to act differently it will begin with the first action to the opposite of what you usually do. This is going against the grain. You may decide to follow through on a commitment within 24 hours, write a check today for a cause in which you believe, or abstain from gossip when you talk. As you do this, focus on how you think and feel. It may feel uncomfortable at the moment because it isn't part of your normal routine. If you practice the new behavior long enough, it will become a habit you can be proud of. What are you doing today that would benefit from you going against the grain?
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