Great expectations

July 13, 2023

As I learn more about how the laws of the Universe work and continue to practice them in my life, I see the results on a daily basis. When I envision the life I desire, I see evidence of it manifesting through the people I meet and the opportunities that come my way. I will be shopping in a retail store and a salesperson will ask me what I do for a living. When I tell them that I am a career counselor, I will hear, "I know someone who could use your services." I used to think that this was a coincidence; now I know it is the Law of Attraction in motion. I begin my day with specific expectations as to what I see happening. "Today I attract a new client. Today I receive a check that covers the cost of a service I need. Today I read an article that sheds light on a situation I am experiencing." I can always expect a response to what I put out to the Universe. My responsibility is to be open to what that response might look like. I have to practice setting greater and greater expectations as I stretch my understanding of how the Universe works. What do you expect the Universe to deliver today?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.