How frustrating!

July 4, 2021

Frustration results from not getting what we think we want. We are investing large amounts of energy into the process. When I look back at where I experience frustration in my body, it is usually from the neck up. I can see only one path leading to obtaining what I want and, when it seems blocked, my jaw tightens and my head hurts. That indicates that I am overthinking the problem. It is time to step back and relax. Go for a walk, talk to a friend, play a game, take a nap. These are ways to detach from the problem and create an openness to other solutions. Rarely is there one single way to achieve your goal. Our lives run on possibilities. What else would help you get where you want to go? When we approach life in this way, frustration can be replaced with enthusiasm, excitement, and hopefulness. We may also learn that what we thought we wanted was not within our best interest and that something even better awaits us if we are open to it. What are you feeling frustrated about today and what are you willing to do to step back and allow solutions to flow to you?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.