I could never do that
As children we approached the world as filled with endless possibilities and opportunities. If you ask a group of kindergarteners if they could fly a plane, swim across a lake, or build a skyscraper, almost every hand would be raised. By the time they reach high school the number of raised hands would decrease significantly. By adulthood you would see very few hands going up. We grow up in a world that reinforces limitations. "I could never do that because..." becomes a natural response for most of us. We have developed a multitude of excuses and reasons for not seeking out new experiences. "I am too old." "I have no talent for that." "I might get hurt." Underlying that is "Someone might make fun of me." "I'd feel stupid." "People would think I was childish." The world of kindergarteners has not be tainted by the judgments that others make about them. That comes later and leads to us limiting what we do to what others might think about us. Who do you think is having more fun and joy in life, you or a kindergartener? Think of something that you have wanted to do and find a way to do it. If you have always wanted to be a downhill skier, start with a skiing lesson down a gentle slope. The congratulate yourself for this step. What is on your list of what you could never do and what can you do to change that message?
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