If only

July 10, 2021

How often have we said to ourselves. "if only..." "If only I hadn't waited so long to change jobs (or start exercising or lose weight)." Our "if onlys" are based on regrets. They are the result of conscious choices we have made that led to disappointment or dissatisfaction. Focusing on "if onlys" is a waste of time since there is nothing you can do to change the choices you made in the past. You have been given an opportunity to make conscious changes in any area you desire. You can create a plan for leaving your current job and finding one that better suits what you have to offer in life. You can start exercising today. You don't have to run a marathon in the first 30 days, but you can increase your time and distance each day. You can begin to eat healthier. Less sugar and caffeine and more fruits and vegetables. This becomes your new starting point and you can pat yourself on the back for taking the steps to live life differently. There are countless ways for you to take charge of your life. As the new year approaches think of what those intentions might be. What "if onlys" are you ready to alter today?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.