If you had a crystal ball
What would your life be like if you had a crystal ball that could show you your future? You would have a guarantee for every decision you made as to what its effect would be, You would never have to worry about making a mistake because everything would be predetermined. You would always choose the right person to date, have all the right answers on any test you took, what lottery numbers to play, and always apply for the job that would result in an offer. Your life would be perfectly guided by the information provided you by your crystal ball. You would even know your exact time and circumstances of your death. Wouldn't that be an incredible tool to have? Or would it? Every day would show up with all of its possibilities already reviewed and only one accessible. You would know what to avoid so that you would not have to feel pain, remorse, or disappointment. You would never have to learn from your choices you make because there would not be a necessity for choices. Why bother to play the lottery or any other game of chance because you already know who the winner is? All of life would be in perfect order. All at the price of your freedom to choose. Would you be willing to pay that price to know what your future holds at any given moment? What makes today so exciting is the ability to make choices and see where they take you. This is one of our divine gifts. It is how your use it that creates a unique set of experiences subject to change at a moment's notice. Which would you prefer, a crystal ball or freedom of choice?
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