Just let go

August 4, 2018

For humans, the idea of releasing the outcome of our problems appears counter to our societal programming of doing what it takes to control what happens in our lives. It is easier said than done. Our need to control stems from the desire for predictability especially for the millions of us who grew up in environments where predictability was in short supply. The less control we think we have, the more anxious and fearful we can become. So we think of ways to apply more control, tightening the noose around any sense of well-being. How do you break the patterns associated with controlling that are producing negative emotions? If you have ever heard the Serenity Prayer, you have the first steps in letting go. The prayer reminds us that we become serene enough to accept what we cannot change, to have the courage to change what we can about a situation, and to have the wisdom to know the difference. Accepting what cannot be changed are the external circumstances of our lives. We ask for the courage to look within and make the necessary adjustments from that place of being. That could be an attitude, a behavior, or a belief. We become wise in our ability to separate the two. As you let go of the need to control the outcome, you will experience a new level of freedom. I always ask for the outcome to be even better than I can imagine given my limited scope of options when I am fearful or anxious. What are you trying to control outside of your life today that could benefit from changing something within you?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.