Just try harder

December 27, 2020

When people are having difficulty manifesting their desires, they are sometimes told that they are doing something incorrectly. Maybe they don't want their desires to be fulfilled as much as they think they do. Maybe they aren't saying their affirmations often enough and with sufficient conviction for results to occur. There may be another factor that affects your outcomes. The majority of what we do in manifesting focuses on the conscious level. Yet as much as 90% of our thinking is happening at the subconscious level. The programming that is part of our subconscious level was formulated in our early childhood based on what we saw happening around us. This is what led to our limiting beliefs that can override any conscious attempts we make to initiate change or to manifest. It takes a concerted effort to make changes at the subconscious level, but it can be done. One way to do this is to focus on spending our days in peace, joy, and love as much as possible. Then we will begin to see manifestations occurring all around us. Think of instances in your life when you did this and what the day was like for you. What are you doing today to generate positive feelings that can change your thinking and change your life?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.