Living the life you want
What does your ideal life look like? Are you in perfect health, sharing your life with a loving partner, or traveling to all the places you ever wanted to visit? How are you connected to the source of all that is good? What is most important is that you believe that what you desire can manifest into your life. It is having faith and confidence that the Universe, God, or whatever you choose to call it will deliver what you desire to attract. Your feelings will inform you as to the direction your desires are taking. Emotions such as joy, appreciation, and gratitude indicate that you are heading in a positive direction. Emotions such as worry, fear, and disconnection indicate the opposite direction. Some people refer to this as your "emotional guidance system." It is designed to let you know if you are headed toward the life you want or are placing it on hold. When you check your current thoughts and feelings, what are they telling you that indicates where you are in achieving the life you want?
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