Next time around

December 12, 2021

If you believe that time has no beginning or end, you may well consider that you have existed in a multitude of forms over that time. It certainly presents an interesting premise as to what you are presently experiencing. Since we know that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, the energy that composed that form still exists today as it will in the future. There are past forms that are tied to the planet you inhabit today, but what about the forms prior to its formation? They may have looked nothing like what you are familiar with in today’s world. They most likely carried a consciousness that was transmitted across space and time. Perhaps that is part of our fascination with what we refer to as science fiction and reincarnation. How is your life today affected by the lives that came before it? Do you ever catch yourself saying, “In my next life I am going to come back as a …’ to somehow carry out an unfulfilled part of you? You may be laying the groundwork for what will show up the next time around. If you ascribe to the belief that this is not the only time you will occupy a life form, what would you like to experience the next time around?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.