Sight unseen

November 20, 2021

When you set an intention, your thoughts and words go forth to the source of all that we have. You may not be able to see that source, but its presence can be perceived in many forms. You see its presence in the smile of a child, the trees as they change color in the fall, and the glow of a sunrise. Its presence also makes itself known through your other senses. Your intuitive sense is unseen, yet powerful. It is often that invisible connection you experience with that unseen source guiding you in your life's journey. It is analogous to not being able to see electricity in its actual form, but rather its effect as providing heat and light. It is in the absolute knowing that this source provides for all of your needs that your intentions are manifested. What have you experienced that is evidence of this unseen source?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.