Step into the light
There are times when we question the direction that our life is taking. It appears that everything is moving along just fine, and suddenly something happens that completely derails us. We have set a clearly define goal or intention and are taking the actions needed to achieve it. Everything is progressing smoothly until one day a key factor has changed and all bets are off. I know that this has happened for me a number of times. A business deal that I thought was iron clad falls through, a career path takes a 180 degree turn, a budding relationship abruptly ends. The natural tendency is to profess that there is no one out there who is listening to me or cares. Why bother? Another hopeless case. This is the time when it is most important to step into the light of belief that something even better awaits you. It may require being patient, but it will happen. I know that for every situation that didn't turn out the way I would have planned, something better has manifested. I still set goals and intentions, but I allow for the Universe to be a part of that plan knowing I am always listened to and cared for unconditionally. What happened for you the last time you stepped into the light?
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