Taking a stand
There are a number of people who immediately come to mind when we think of taking a stand: Mother Teresa, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela. Their belief in human rights manifested in the actions they took to make a difference for others in some cases enduring great personal sacrifice to do so. Their actions affected countless others to raise levels of awareness of the human conditions that were no longer deemed acceptable. Discrimination against those considered to be in lower positions within a society does not contribute to their greater good. And so our beliefs about such marginalized groups have changed, sometimes quickly and sometimes slowly. Without people who are willing to take a stand, little will change in the status quo. When these stands originate in the natural power that is innate to each of us, there is a positive shift in the world. When the stand is based on forcing others to accept a belief or practice, we see a decline in the vibrational level of the planet. We can choose to stand for the rights of humans, and we can also choose to stand for the rights of all other creatures with whom we share this Earth. It is an opportunity to exercise compassion, connection, and acceptance. The more we do this, the more we raise the vibrational energy to a level that benefits all. We would see solutions rather than problems in the world and work as a community to address them. We would observe the artificial demarcations between us falling away. It doesn’t require you to become a Mother Teresa although anything is possible. A movement of this magnitude begins with each person taking a stand to perform one act of kindness towards another inhabitant of this planet. What are you willing to do today to take a stand to make a positive difference in the world?
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