Teaching an old dog new tricks

July 12, 2021

I recently enrolled in a class on how to do live sales online. Having grown up in the 50s and 60s, it was obvious that the technology we use today was unheard of at the time. What seems second nature for those born in the last 30 years appears totally foreign to me. I still recall purchasing my first PC and trying to figure out how to begin. I called technical support and asked for help. The young lady who answered assisted me in troubleshooting by asking me about the modem. I immediately stopped her and asked, "What's a modem?" The technical aspects of using a computer are still beyond me, but I do know how to persevere to complete a task or project. I have made tremendous progress in using my desktop and my iPhone. Now it is time to learn a new trick as I record myself and post to a Facebook page. After six attempts I was grateful for the delete function. It is times like this that it is important to be gentle with myself and not get into comparisonitis. I recognize that learning a new task takes time and practice. What new skill are you learning that doesn't come automatically for you and what is your self talk about it

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.