The flow of beliefs
Think about what you believed in as a child. Many of us believed in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy. They were the source of material offerings as explained to us by our parents. For as out of the ordinary as they were, we accepted them as a part of our reality because society told us so. Stories of their existence abounded. We were excited when we knew they would be paying us a visit and we expected so much from them. Most of the time we were not disappointed and other times they did not quite deliver on what we had hoped. Eventually a new set of beliefs displaced them and we drifted into a new reality. Those beliefs also created a set of expectations. We believed we would find the perfect romantic partner, a job that would provide for all of our needs, or a retirement plan that would allow for a specific lifestyle after 65. We held fast to these beliefs until something occurred to shake that way of looking at life. Then it was necessary to create new ones that allowed us to make sense of the world. Our beliefs are constantly changing as we grow. What fits today may need to be discarded tomorrow. All we need do is remain open to new ways of seeing and experiencing life. Which of your beliefs have changed over time?
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