The gift of giving
There are a number of adages that we have heard over the years about giving. "It is better to give than to receive," "Give till it hurts," "Give without expecting anything in return." Our response might be, "Yes, but I like being at the receiving end of giving." It is at this point that we remind ourselves that what goes around, comes around. When we choose to give of our time, talents, and money, we become recipients of the the Universe's gifts that far surpass what we are capable of giving. Think of how you felt when you volunteered your time for a worthy cause or gave your spare change to a person in need. There are actually chemicals in the brain that are released that promote a sense of well-being when we perform such acts. Since it is the nature of the Universe to give with love, why shouldn't we do the same? Think of what the world would be like if everyone adopted this approach. We would see an end to poverty, famine, and many diseases. It is only our fear that keeps us from taking these actions. We fear that, if I give to others, there will be nothing left for me. The truth is, that the more we give, the more the Universe will replenish our stores since the Universe abhors a vacuum. The gift of giving begins with a simple act of selflessness. What can you give today?
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