The quest for excellence
We often hear people extol themselves as perfectionists. These are individuals who set incredibly high standards for themselves. The price they pay for this approach to life can be chronic unhappiness and dissatisfaction. Think instead of being excellent at what you do. This is based on knowing what you do well and using it in your daily life. You are committed to honing your skills and talents in the service of others. In bringing out the best in yourself, you bring out the best in everyone around you. You inspire others through your actions. You know what your mission and purpose for life are and you live it on a daily basis. The word 'failure' is not in your vocabulary. When you do not achieve what you set forth to do, you use this as an opportunity to go within and identify how you can do it differently the next time. You are gentle in defeat and humble in victory. At the end of the day you know that you have done your job well. These are the signs of excellence. Unlike perfection, they are achievable. What are you doing today in your quest for excellence?
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