The shadow side
Each of us possesses the potential to act in ways that are beneficial or detrimental to ourselves and others. When we choose actions that are based on love and caring, we are operating on our highest vibrational levels. When we choose to behave in ways that are based on fear and anger, we enter into another realm of who we are. It is that part of us that we can work so hard at hiding from others since we are rarely proud of it. It often shows itself when we are under stress. It may reveal itself as lashing out at others, putting oneself in the victim role, or negative self-demeaning talk. It is important to understand that this is a dimension of you that is always present. Think of what brings it on for you and do what you can to address it when it occurs. Be especially kind to yourself when it does. Self deprecation will only add to it. You may be able to recognize it when it first evidences itself and short circuit it by finding positive alternative ways to express it. First and foremost remember that, for a shadow to exist, there must be light projecting on to it. Focus on the light side of you as much as possible today. What does your shadow side look like for you?
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