The tapes we play
What if I told you I had a set of tapes that were guaranteed to make a difference in your life and they only cost $9.95? You could take them with you wherever you went and play them constantly. They would help influence every decision you made and every feeling you had. Your world would be shaped by the messages and you could predict what your future would be like with a high degree of accuracy. Would you be interested in purchasing that tape? What if I told you that that tape consisted of never-ending messages from your past like, "You'll never find happiness" or "You only get what you want through suffering and self-sacrifice." You would probably instantly say, "I wouldn't waste my money or time on that!" Yet if you pay attention to the conversations in your head, you most likely bought some version of those tapes years ago and have still not worn them out. Take time to listen to your self talk and exchange the tapes that don't serve what you truly desire in life. Focus on messages designed to attract all that you are destined to receive such as loving relationships, good health, and financial abundance. You might even want to make an actual recording of what these conditions would look like in your life and play them as often as possible until they become habitual thinking patterns. What tapes do you need to replace in your life today?
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