The time of your life
How do you plan to spend your day? Will you spend it focusing on the good that is in your life or on what is missing? Remember that whatever you focus your attention on is what you attract this day. For me, writing my blog entry every day helps to get me in the right frame of mind to attract good. Then I watch to see how the rest of the day plays out. I am quickly reminded how adversity can become a blessing. A problem with a bank transaction yesterday led to a conversation with my primary bank to an even better solution to the problem. Life seems to be proceeding this way when I open myself up to the good. It really is about having the time of my life and there is no reason that this cannot be true for anyone reading this blog. You are here in this lifetime to experience joy, happiness, and freedom. Most of us forget this as we travel through life and only choose to see what is not working. This is not about adopting a Pollyanna-like attitude in which we remain oblivious to what is happening around us. It is about living your life fully confident that you are given what you need and expressing gratitude and appreciation for its presence in your life. What are you doing to experience the time of your life today?
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