The pause that refreshes
Have you ever had a day when nothing seemed to go the way you planned it? Your car wouldn't start and needs a new battery, your child had to stay home sick on a day when you need to be conducting a work presentation in two hours, a check you were expecting has been held up in processing. As Thomas Paine pointed out over three hundred years ago, "These are the times that try men's souls." These are also the times when we need to stop whatever we are doing and take a deep breath. Breathe in, breathe out. As you breathe in, think of this as inspiration. Breathe in the desire for the direction needed to handle the situation with grace. As you breathe out, think of this as expiration. You have the choice to end the worry and anxiety at this very moment. Tell yourself that you are not willing to give this situation power over your well-being. Then watch to see how solutions begin to present themselves. It's how the Law of Attraction works. What are you experiencing today that could use a refreshing pause?
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