This or something better

February 16, 2024

I have recently been looking at what matters most to me. It includes a commitment to spiritual growth and identifying a cause that resonates with me. Each day I focus on these areas and what they might look like as I pursue them. One of the declarations I make each day is that I am one with the Universe. I have been directed to add, "this or something better." At this point I cannot imagine anything better than being at one with the Universe. Then I say to myself that I will know what that is like once I reach the initial state of oneness. This is more of a shift in consciousness since I intuitively know that I have never been separate. What this little addendum does is to remind me that we are ever expanding in our understanding of who we are and what our purpose is. It gives me something to strive towards and I know that I have the rest of this lifetime to achieve it. It is particularly helpful when I have those days when things don't seem to go the way I would like them. I use whatever declaration is appropriate and add, "this or something better," and the day begins to change in a positive direction. I also like this as an alternative to "things could be worse." What do you declare in life that you would prefer to have this or something better?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.