Thoughts create reality

July 4, 2023

Some people question how your thoughts become reality. When we hold a firm belief, we live our lives as if this was an absolute truth. For instance there was a time when people believed the earth was flat. If you looked across a vast stretch of land there was no reason to think that it was anything but a flat surface. Once you sailed to the edge of the earth, you would certainly fall into some unknown region. This belief was held for thousands of years until explorers like Columbus and Magellan proved it to be different, thus changing the reality of millions of people living at the time. It wasn't until the 19th century that many diseases were attributed to the presence of germs. A shift in consciousness leads to a new set of beliefs and thus a new reality. All of these changes are based on thoughts leading to an action which yield different results. Every invention known to mankind began as a thought in the inventor's mind. It is why we coined the phrase, "An idea whose time has come." As we project the energy of our thoughts, the Universe responds with the means for our thoughts to take form. This is the power of the Law of Attraction. Our reality is in a constant state of flux based upon what we are thinking in the moment. When we hold thoughts based on love and caring for ourselves and others, we are open to receiving that which serves our highest good. What is the reality you are creating for yourself today?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.