Waiting until "when" arrives
"I'll do that when..." What is your 'when'? Is it when the children are grown and out of the house? Is it when you find the perfect partner? Or is it when you have a considerable amount of money in the bank? Our 'whens' can be of short duration or last a lifetime. We put our dreams on hold until that magic moment occurs and we can live the life we have imagined. In some cases we find another 'when' to postpone our sense of fulfillment until we no longer have the health or finances to pursue it. What awaits us at this point? Most likely regrets around the "I should haves," "If onlys," and "I wish I hads." The top regret of people dying is that they wished they had lived a life that was true to themselves and not what they thought others wanted them to be. Think of the energy expended on fulfilling others' expectations of you to bring them happiness. I am not sure many of us have a high success rate with that expectation. We have become invested in their 'whens' in life. What are you willing to do today to release the 'whens' in your life and live out your true purpose for being here?
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