What about tomorrow?
Living in the now has merits. We can experience the fullness of the moment and all it brings. We are aware of our connection to our physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional self. This can bring about a sense of well-being and comfort. At the same time there is the passage of time that delivers tomorrow. How we live today largely affects our tomorrows. We can plant the seeds of our behaviors and attitudes that make a difference not just for ourselves, but for those around us. If you ever watched the movie, Play It Forward, you saw how our choices create a ripple effect in the world. The decisions made by generations before us are still evident in the ways that we experience life today. Knowing the power that our choices have, doesn't it make sense to think some of them through more clearly? How will the harsh words I speak in anger affect those I love? How could the money I spent foolishly today have been better used if I had saved it? How will an act of kindness toward a stranger create a ripple effect of good? Live in today; plan for tomorrow. What do you think your tomorrow will be like based on the thoughts and actions you are having today?
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