What good is depression?
At a recent workshop the presenter discussed the function of depression in the growth process. Depression may be experienced on an individual or societal level. Think of what followed the Great Depression in this country. Think of your own life and the part that depression may have played. It is during times of depression that we can call upon our strengths to move beyond this period. It can be our greatest source of learning as to what we value and what direction we need to take to make changes. It is through this time of struggle that we birth new ways of being. This does not dismiss the need for medical support for specific individuals. This is a resource for addressing the presence of depression just as societies tap into the resources needed to enter the next phase of growth. In the grief model put forth by Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, depression precedes acceptance. It is like the storm before the calm. Our current economic situation is likely an example of this. It is all a part of the ebb and flow of life. What have you experienced related to depression and what strengths did you call upon to make changes?
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